Tuesday, December 11th 2012, Downstairs at Town Hall

eartheconBeyond Nature vs. Nurture: Our past becomes our children’s future

Exposure to introduced chemicals in our environment, what we eat, and our lifestyles- new research in epigenetics is revealing that our children’s and grand children’s health can inherit the risks or rewards of our life history. Join us as Michael Skinner, PhD, explains the science behind these latest findings and as Kelly Edwards, PhD, introduces us to the ethical challenges they present. In the following conversation moderated by Richard Gayle, PhD, they will also answer your questions about the opportunities and hazards that epigenetics research has uncovered for shaping healthy future generations.

Doors open at 5:30 – light refreshments available

Seminar begins at 6:30

Tickets may be purchased here for $10 or at the door the day of event for $15

Student may purchase tickets for $5