Get Involved
It’s pooling one’s dollars with a circle of colleagues, friends, family and acquaintances, in order to support nonprofits in a strategic manner.
Our Partners pool their skills and financial resources to make a powerful impact. Partner roles are flexible. Many partners get involved in planning seminars, join an Impact Circle and participate in one or more grant cycles and take advantage of our networking and learning opportunities, or simply use Sustainable Path to make a highly leveraged gift.
If you value and enjoy learning, supporting innovative work, and making a difference in our community, then join today.
Partner Benefits
- Proactive Giving: You have the chance to be directly and personally involved with applicants and learn exactly what your pooled dollars will fund.
- Enjoyable Work: Perhaps the biggest draw, you meet others with similar interests and learn from one another through your involvement in grant-making activities.
- Tangible Impact: You will strategically leverage your individual contribution and make a tangible difference in advancing solutions to some of the most significant and interconnected challenges facing our region.
- Democratic Structure: Each Impact Circle Partner has an equal say in decision-making and collective votes determine the funding recipients.
- Continual Learning: You will have a number of opportunities to deepen your knowledge on various topics (e.g., brown bag lunches, site visits).
- Annual Gathering: Sustainable Path will host a gathering of grantees and partners across all the Impact Circles. This will be an educational opportunity to further learn about the issues, the strategies to find solutions and hear about the work that has been accomplished with the grant funds. You will be invited to share your experience and help evaluate the overall Impact Circle process.
A Partner makes an annual minimum contribution of $250.
Collective Giving Strategy = Collaboration in Action
Our Collective Impact Circles
Our Impact Circles form each spring and fall. Come and join as a partner to learn about regional issues, collaborate on solutions via our grant awards AND have fun networking.
We invite our partners to be as involved as they choose—from joining an Impact Circle (as many times a year as you want), attend site visits and other educational opportunities.
Our “Collective Impact Circles” grant making process.
- Reviewing and discussing grant proposals generally involves one or two half day meetings and vote on the actual grant recipients.
- Final awards must be approved by the Board.
- Final grantee prospects will ‘pitch’ their proposals at a one-time event where Impact Circle Partners will cast their votes.
To join or to learn more, please contact Tasha Florez, Foundation Director at tasha@sustainablepath.org or call 206-450-3034.
“It has been rewarding to be part of the Impact Circle…Sustainable Path’s pooled community giving model is an excellent mechanism to increase the impact of one’s giving dollars.”
– Vandana Datye