How to Apply
Grant Cycle and Key Deadlines
The Foundation office will have two grant cycles: Spring and Fall. Sustainable Path accepts one letter of inquiry, per non profit organization, per grant cycle. We only fund projects in the Puget Sound Region of the Pacific Northwest, in the United States. We are especially interested in funding pilot, seed and innovative projects in the sustainable space.
Grant Cycle Deadlines:
Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for the grant cycles will be accepted only via our online form. We will accept project specific proposals from March 1-31 for our Spring Impact Circle and September 1-30 for our Fall Impact Circle. Finalists will be notified to either submit a full proposal and/or participate in a Zoom informational interview after initial screening in April or October. Grants will be awarded by June 30 and December 31. Grantees will submit progress reports at 6 months and final reports at 1 year.
Grants are generally no larger than $15,000. Unless otherwise indicated, projects may address any issue as long as they support our mission of promoting sustainability, health and climate resiliency in the Puget Sound region through collaborative approaches informed by scientific understanding and systems thinking. Please review our History of Grant Awards for information on the types of projects we fund.
We do not fund capital projects; equipment unless directly related to the grant; endowments; political campaigns, candidates or lobbying activities; direct grants or loans to individuals; international projects or general fund drives or annual appeals.